

Massage is a traditional Chinese medicine method that uses external treatment methods to treat internal diseases. In addition to stimulating the meridians and acupuncture points, doctors will also feel the "muscle knots" on the patient's body - which are the physical reactions of internal diseases. Applying heavier and deeper techniques to loosen these "knots" can achieve satisfactory results. During deep muscle knot release, the doctor will focus on loosening the patient's local or systemic muscle knots. Lubricating oil will be used during the process, so the patient may need to take off his clothes. Suitable for severe and stubborn pain.

Massage is particularly good at treating various non-fracture pains, strains, and sports injuries. Most of these injuries are tendon injuries or soft tissue problems. Doctors can quickly diagnose the location of the injury and apply appropriate techniques to alleviate or even cure the injury. For those without injuries, it also has the health-care effect of effectively improving sports performance. The demanding pace of today's society can easily make people physically and mentally exhausted, and even emotionally unstable. Our clinic makes good